On the bus on the way into work this morning, I listened to one of my regular Podcasts, Culture Vulture by Shit You Should Care About.
In this episode they were discussing Intrinsic vs Extrinsic motivation.
This itself was an unremarkable episode, but at 26mins 32seconds they discussed the effect this had on them at school, and how the teachers opinions had an effect on their motivations and interest in various classes
Culture Vulture – Why do we do ANYTHING? – 26:32
In Book Arts, we are teaching a series of workshops with Library Special Collections staff this term, and as they are new, I sat in to listen to their part of the talk. I have now sat in on two workshops with two different speakers from the Library. One of these sessions was for a first year course booked session, and one was an open access, all students sign up session.
It was interesting to observe consciously this morning, after Lindsay’s talk yesterday about Peer Observation, and notice the difference in student engagement, due to the delivery of the talk, different levels of interactivity, as well the distinction between those students who had been asked by their tutor to come, vs those had signed up for themselves.