ARP – research presentation book

Here is the proposed script for my research presenation.

In an ideal world, i would just hand out the books and allow 10 minutes for the group to read through as i hate hate hate public speaking, especially in a presentation format.
I am fine teaching, and delivering workshops, but public speaking in the sense of presenting facts or information really spooks me.

Here is my (hopeful) script which will be spoken aloud as the group read through the books.

“Hello, everyone. Today, I am excited to share insights from my research journey exploring a critical issue—bridging the gap between students’ academic work and their professional journey in Book Arts post-graduation. My name is Tilly, and my role as a technician at LCC in the Book Arts workshop sparked my interest in this area.

Identifying the Research Problem
This research emerged from a critical observation—talented students creating exceptional work during their studies, yet facing significant challenges transitioning into the professional realm of Book Arts. Financial constraints often prevent them from showcasing their work professionally and establishing a career post-graduation.

The Research Journey
Conducting this research presented multifaceted challenges. Time constraints due to teaching commitments and engaging participants within a limited timeframe impacted the depth of exploration. However, despite these challenges, the research process was enlightening and provided valuable insights.
I opted for informal conversations, and later used conversational analysis when going over the transcripts. I decided on more informal setting as i wanted to make a safe space for students with discomfort around the subjects covered. I was aware of my positionally as a person of authority, both at college, and in the industry they aspire to be a part of, and was conscious not to create an atmosphere of inadequacy or that had any possibility of holding negative feelings, as this is the very disparity I am aiming to diffuse.

Key Research Findings
The research highlighted prevalent issues faced by students—feeling ill-equipped and unsupported in developing connections outside before leaving university. Their discomfort in this transition phase underscores a critical need for enhanced support mechanisms and resources. Staff at both UAL and external institutions expressed an understanding of similar issues- the distinction between ‘student work’ and ‘professional work’ seems much too separate, and reinforces this hierarchy that students feel, and put between themselves and the professional world

Proposing Solutions from Research Insights
My research led me potential solutions, emphasising an event-centric approach such as a publicly open Book Fair, with established publishers selling work alongside students and alumni. These events could offer essential networking, exposure, and resources to bridge the gap between academia and the professional world for students and alumni working in Book Arts.

Acknowledging Limitations
The research process was not without it’s limitations. Challenges in participant engagement due to time constraints, as well as existing relationships potentially influencing the sincerity of responses. However, these limitations highlighted areas for future improvement and fine-tuning of research methodologies.

In conclusion, this research journey has uncovered crucial insights into the challenges students face transitioning into the professional realm and establishing themselves in Book Arts. The envisioned Book Fair holds promise as a platform for fostering collaboration and professional growth, although it’s realisation extends beyond the research project’s timeframe.

The findings underscore the crucial role of robust support mechanisms, with the proposed book fair emerging as a potentially valuable tool. It is important to refine these support mechanisms, ensuring both inclusivity and efficacy in facilitating students’ transitions.

I do hope to continue after the PgCert, and have the fair materialise, as there is a clear benefit and demand from students, who would gain much towards their professional development

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