As my research method was conversational, the data i have collected is in the form of voice recorded interviews. These interviews were conducted with consent, promised anonymity, and I agreed not to share transcripts of these conversation.It is important for me to respect the confidentiality of the participants. However, I will still provide some examples of qualitative data without violating their privacy.
- I will ensure that the information I share is generalised and de-identified. I will avoid using real names, specific institutions, or any other details that could potentially identify the participants.
- When I need to provide direct quotes, I will assign pseudonyms and generic labels to participants (e.g., Student A, Student B). This still allows me to share specific participant perspectives, without compromising the agreement.
- When presenting my findings, I will combine and summarise responses to present an overall picture, providing a summary of common themes or patterns that emerged from the interviews. From this I will be able to focus on the broader themes and trends that emerged from the interviews, discussing the qualitative data without sharing specific details about individual participants.