3. Introductory workshop – 11/01/23 January

Some resources used in the workshop today.

Spark Journal Vol 5, No.1 (2022): Digital Education special issueURL
Spark Journal Vol 4, Issue 1 (2019): Libraries, Archives & Special Collections special issueURL
Spark Journal Vol 3, No. 2 (2018)URL
Spark Journal Vol 3, No. 1 (2018)URL
Spark Journal archiveURL

UAL Library CatalogueURL Try searching for ‘art pedagogy’, ‘pedagogy’, or ‘teaching methods
Art and Design teaching practices (Journal Article, 2003).pdf 

Assessing creativity (Journal Article, 2006).pdf 
Creating digital resources for teaching traditional crafts (Journal Article, 2009).pdf
Critiquing the Crit (Research Report, 2007).doc
Teaching methods in creative disciplines (Journal Article, 2005).pdf

We each showed our presentations, and discussed our Pedagogical research articles.

The Second part of the workshop we discussed the questions that had been raised in the Padlet.


I felt most drawn to the Question Raised by E-Sinn from reading the article above – Creating digital resources for teaching traditional crafts.

Mat Denney had some great observations in this discussion –

As practitioners, we learned how to do our craft by watching and absorbing over many years. But to communicate that aggregated skill and knowledge in a structured teaching environment can be very challenging.

Also – are there invisible hierarchies concerning which knowledges are valued? E.g. Technical, pedagogical, academic…etc

(can’t remember who said this but thought was really interesting…) I think there’s an opportunity to investigate and challenge the metrics within higher education and the way in which we understand what comprises good/best practice, success, failure…or the un-usefulness of these terms…

I finished the morning feeling lacking in my academic language and unable to hold my own in these discussions. Even though I have been teaching longer than some of my colleagues in the course, and i can keep up with the discussion in my head, I feel unable to express myself in these online groups as well as know I can do in person.

Also, i hate this blog and how it looks. I want to elevate its appearance and content, but am so uncomfortable with WordPress and do not know how to work it.

Some screen shots from parts of the session I found useful and interesting

The after noon session “Mud, Muddy, Muddier still” was about demystifying the research process and using creative methods.
I found it hard to relate to as a technician, and though the sofa project was conceptually very interesting as an artist, I felt little to no connection to the material in a work capacity as it felt very designed towards the “academics”.

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